How do I type text within a circle then remove the circle line



I am trying to type in a circle and I get it until it comes time to remove
the lines around the circle and I cannot bring up the box to remove the
lines. I want my text to be in a circle without the lines.


I know how to do the words in a circle . That is no problem. What I am
trying to do is like putting a poem inside a circle and I can get it all done
execpt removing the circle around the typing after it is finished. So that
my poem is in the shape of a circle without the line around it. I hope you
can understand. TIA


I'm sorry I do not know what you mean by set the Line property of your
AutoShape to none. These are the directions I have been following and I
cannot get the final circle off from around the print.
Open new Doc
Click on Auto shape and make a circle the size you want
Look up and see and click on INSERT
Scroll down and
Click on add text box
You will need to right click on each circle and text box to format them to
have NO fill
Drag the square text box over the circle
You should see the text box and the circle inside it
Center you text and type in the TEXT box, you may have to add a few spaces
here and there to make the text fit the circle.
When you have the text the way you want it.. again right click on the text
box and then the circle to format and click on no line for each…….
is there something missing or what. TIA

Anne Troy

After you're done typing inside your circle, click the border of the circle
(to select the circle) and hit the Line color dropdown (this is on the
Drawing toolbar and looks like a paintbrush) and choose No Line. You can see
a picture of it under "Border and Outline" near the bottom of this web page:

Hope it helps!
Anne Troy


I Finally got it thank you so very much I appreciate all the help. Have a
good day.


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