Uncompressing pictures
An earlier answer to this stated it is not possible to undo a picture
compression. Microsoft must have got it wrong because the Help menu states
you can do this by clicking the "uncompress" option in the Edit menu. But
guess what: there is no such option available in the Edit menu.
Lessons have to be learned the hard way. This one is: only compress the copy
of a picture. If you compress the original it has to be saved and you cannot
undo it. This simple actuality should have been made clear in MS Office.
compression. Microsoft must have got it wrong because the Help menu states
you can do this by clicking the "uncompress" option in the Edit menu. But
guess what: there is no such option available in the Edit menu.
Lessons have to be learned the hard way. This one is: only compress the copy
of a picture. If you compress the original it has to be saved and you cannot
undo it. This simple actuality should have been made clear in MS Office.