Jay Freedman
Please use the big space to explain: What kind of text? Just a few words, a
sentence, a whole paragraph? In ordinary text, a text box, a table?
One way is to right-click the selected text, choose Font, choose an underline
(if the text isn't already underlined), and choose something other than
Automatic in the "Underline color" dropdown.
Another way is to use the line tool on the Drawing toolbar (Word 2003 or
earlier) or on the Insert > Shapes > Lines gallery (Word 2007) and choose the
line color you want.
If the text is in a table cell, you could turn on only the cell's bottom border.
There are probably some other possibilities, depending on the effect you want.
sentence, a whole paragraph? In ordinary text, a text box, a table?
One way is to right-click the selected text, choose Font, choose an underline
(if the text isn't already underlined), and choose something other than
Automatic in the "Underline color" dropdown.
Another way is to use the line tool on the Drawing toolbar (Word 2003 or
earlier) or on the Insert > Shapes > Lines gallery (Word 2007) and choose the
line color you want.
If the text is in a table cell, you could turn on only the cell's bottom border.
There are probably some other possibilities, depending on the effect you want.