how do i update a table using a form?


Rob Cooney

I have a query that is based on a table. I would like the table to
automatically update when I input data into a form so that the query will
produce the correct results.
For instance, on my form I have the Product Number and what it's description
is (two seperate entries). These I don't need to update since I am using the
"find" feature to locate these products.
However, in the sub form I have entries for Bid Qty, Bid Per Unit, Bid
Income and P&L Impact. I want to manually input the Bid Qty and Bid Per Unit
numbers, then use a calculation such as [Bid Qty]*[Bid Per Unit] to give me
the Bid Income which the P&L query will use to generate the correct results.
Unfortuantely I am having a problem getting the form to update the table
where the Bid Income is located and that the query is running off of. Right
now I have to manually go into the table and enter the Bid Income number once
it is generated on the form.
The other problem that I've run into in trying the update query option is
that it inputs the same bid income for each product number, which is no good.
If anyone has an idea on how to accomplish this, please let me know.

Chris M via

Hi Rob,

Your calculation of [Bid Qty]*[Bid Per Unit] can be done on the form, like
you've done or in a query. Any calculated controls show the answer where they
were created; they are not stored anywhere - they get their values from the
underlying table(s) and will always show the result of those values.
The purpose of the Update Query is to update a field in a table with the
same data - this is usually used when a field is added to a table after data
has been added.
Hope this helps.

Rob said:
I have a query that is based on a table. I would like the table to
automatically update when I input data into a form so that the query will
produce the correct results.
For instance, on my form I have the Product Number and what it's description
is (two seperate entries). These I don't need to update since I am using the
"find" feature to locate these products.
However, in the sub form I have entries for Bid Qty, Bid Per Unit, Bid
Income and P&L Impact. I want to manually input the Bid Qty and Bid Per Unit
numbers, then use a calculation such as [Bid Qty]*[Bid Per Unit] to give me
the Bid Income which the P&L query will use to generate the correct results.
Unfortuantely I am having a problem getting the form to update the table
where the Bid Income is located and that the query is running off of. Right
now I have to manually go into the table and enter the Bid Income number once
it is generated on the form.
The other problem that I've run into in trying the update query option is
that it inputs the same bid income for each product number, which is no good.
If anyone has an idea on how to accomplish this, please let me know.

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