How do I update all fields in a doc?



When I do a cntrl-a F9 it only updates the fields in the main body of the
document. I then need to go the TOC to re-update it since it was updated
before the rest of the document. I then need to open the header and update
fields there. I then need to switch to the footer to update fields there.
Then I need to identify which comments have fields and update each one of
them individually. Is there an easier way to update all the fields in a

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Try using Print>Preview

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
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Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Jay Freedman

When I do a cntrl-a F9 it only updates the fields in the main body of the
document. I then need to go the TOC to re-update it since it was updated
before the rest of the document. I then need to open the header and update
fields there. I then need to switch to the footer to update fields there.
Then I need to identify which comments have fields and update each one of
them individually. Is there an easier way to update all the fields in a

Jay Freedman

When I do a cntrl-a F9 it only updates the fields in the main body of the
document. I then need to go the TOC to re-update it since it was updated
before the rest of the document. I then need to open the header and update
fields there. I then need to switch to the footer to update fields there.
Then I need to identify which comments have fields and update each one of
them individually. Is there an easier way to update all the fields in a

Try switching to Print Preview and back. This assumes that the option
to update fields before printing is turned on.

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