how do I update Office 2000 to SP3 when I have Word 2003 installe.



My new computer has Word 2003 (as part of Works). I do not have software
disks as I am supposed to be able to re-install from some section of my hard
disk (?). I installed the rest of Office 2000 Pro from my setup disks. Now
Windows Update thinks I need Office XP SP3 and if I try to run the Office
2000 SP3 update it tells me the expected version of Office isn't found.
What should I do, please?


Word 2002 (not Word 2003) comes with the current version of Works Suite.
Word 2002 is also part of Office XP, which is why you are prompted to
get SP3 for Office XP.


Apologies for the mistake. I assumed this was the problem, but what do I do
about it, please? Do I have to uninstall Word?


No, it shouldn't be necessary to uninstall Word 2002 or Works Suite.
Did you install SR1a for Office 2000 before you tried to install SP3?
When you try to install SP3 for Office 2000, exactly what does the error
message say? There are several versions of SP3 for Office 2000... what
is the URL for the SP3 update that you are trying to install? And since
you have components of both Office 2000 and Office XP on your computer,
it would be appropriate to install both SP3 for Office 2000 and SP3 for
Office XP.


Hi there,
Yes, I installed SR1a some time ago.
I have been trying to install the SP3 update from the file named O2kSp3.exe
(version 5.0.2919.6304), downloaded from the Microsoft site.
The exact error message reads:
"The expected version of the product was not found on your system"
If I try the Office updates web page now I get the info about Office Update
is unable to check for updates instead of the previous one about Office XP
SP3 being needed...
I have Office 2000 Pro and Office 2000 Developer and have the disks for
these but Word 2002 is a hard disk installation.
Thank you for your help.

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