How do I update Pub 2000?


Kate P

I installed pub 2000 on a new computer. How do I update 2000 so I can
receive, open and work on documents created by newer versions of publisher?

muchas gracias,
Kate P

Mary Sauer

You can't... The only way you can edit a Publisher file from someone else, is if that
someone saved the file as a Publisher 2000 document.

Ed Bennett

Kate P said:
So there are no Pub 2000 updates?

There are Publisher 2000 updates available from
(Office 2000 SP3 is the latest), but none of them will let you load files
from a more recent version. For that, you will need to upgrade to the
latest version of Publisher.

Mary Sauer

No, there are no updates to Publisher 2000 that will allow you to open 2002 or 03
Publisher documents.

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