How do I upload my current website to my new computer?



Help! I created my website with Frontpage 2002 a few years ago. I've just
bought a new computer and I can't figure out how to transfer my existing
website from the old computer to the new one. I saved all the files to a CD
and copied them to my C: drive on my new computer, then installed FP2002.
But I can't figure out how to get it to open my existing webpage. Any


In Windows Explorer, browse to the folder containing your web site on
your new computer, then remove the Read Only attribute from every
TIP: when backing up to CD, make a ZIP file of the web, and burn the
ZIP file to the CD. This stops the files and folders within the ZIP
file becoming Read Only.

In FrontPage, File->Open Site / Web, and browse to the folder
containing your site.

Stefan B Rusynko

It is usually best practice to transfer any site using Publish from the online Hosted site to your new PC using File Publish All
from the Remote server to your PC
If you don't, you will still eventually need to do a File Publish All at least once to get the 2 webs in sync

| In Windows Explorer, browse to the folder containing your web site on
| your new computer, then remove the Read Only attribute from every
| file.
| TIP: when backing up to CD, make a ZIP file of the web, and burn the
| ZIP file to the CD. This stops the files and folders within the ZIP
| file becoming Read Only.
| In FrontPage, File->Open Site / Web, and browse to the folder
| containing your site.
| --
| Ron Symonds
| Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
| Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
| | > Help! I created my website with Frontpage 2002 a few years ago.
| > I've just
| > bought a new computer and I can't figure out how to transfer my
| > existing
| > website from the old computer to the new one. I saved all the files
| > to a CD
| > and copied them to my C: drive on my new computer, then installed
| > FP2002.
| > But I can't figure out how to get it to open my existing webpage.
| > Any
| > suggestions?
| >
| >

Andrew Murray

you actually *download* the site your computer....

If your server has the FP extensions then open the site "live" and publish
to a folder on yor PC.

Otherwise use a FTP program and just transfer the files from remote to local


Oh, I see. How do I publish my website from my host site to my new computer?
Can I do that from FP or do I need to do it from my host site... through the
C Panel? Any step by step instructions would be a huge help!

Rob Giordano \(Crash Gordon®\)

No not through CPanel.

IF your hosted web has FP extensions:

Open FP (duh)
Open Web/Site via
(un/pw prompt)
File | Publish Web/Site
enter the location on your local machine where it should go...usually something like...
C:\My Documents\My Webs\whatdoyouwantcallithere (no extension)
ok, ok ok.

| Oh, I see. How do I publish my website from my host site to my new computer?
| Can I do that from FP or do I need to do it from my host site... through the
| C Panel? Any step by step instructions would be a huge help!
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > PS
| > It is usually best practice to transfer any site using Publish from the online Hosted site to your new PC using File Publish All
| > from the Remote server to your PC
| > If you don't, you will still eventually need to do a File Publish All at least once to get the 2 webs in sync
| >
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | In Windows Explorer, browse to the folder containing your web site on
| > | your new computer, then remove the Read Only attribute from every
| > | file.
| > | TIP: when backing up to CD, make a ZIP file of the web, and burn the
| > | ZIP file to the CD. This stops the files and folders within the ZIP
| > | file becoming Read Only.
| > |
| > | In FrontPage, File->Open Site / Web, and browse to the folder
| > | containing your site.
| > | --
| > | Ron Symonds
| > | Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
| > | Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
| > |
| > | | > | > Help! I created my website with Frontpage 2002 a few years ago.
| > | > I've just
| > | > bought a new computer and I can't figure out how to transfer my
| > | > existing
| > | > website from the old computer to the new one. I saved all the files
| > | > to a CD
| > | > and copied them to my C: drive on my new computer, then installed
| > | > FP2002.
| > | > But I can't figure out how to get it to open my existing webpage.
| > | > Any
| > | > suggestions?
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
| >

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