How Do I Upload?



I want my excel sheet to write a textfile and upload it to a server. How
can I do this without using the msxml library?

Jonathan Rynd

I want my excel sheet to write a textfile and upload it to a server. How
can I do this without using the msxml library?

You have to use Visual Basic to be able to write to a textfile. Ask in the
excel programming newsgroup.

You have to use a program that can upload to a server. Either as an addin
or via the Shell command of Visual Basic.

Harlan Grove

You have to use Visual Basic to be able to write to a textfile. Ask in the
excel programming newsgroup.

You have to use a program that can upload to a server. Either as an addin
or via the Shell command of Visual Basic.

Depends. The OP's question is light on specifics. If he only wants to save a
worksheet as a text file on a file server, it can be done using the menu command
File > Save As. In all versions through 2002/XP, this has been possible without
needing anything to do with XML. It'd be pretty ridiculous if Excel 2003 needed
XML to save worksheets as plain text files.

Peo Sjoblom

You have to use Visual Basic to be able to write to a textfile. Ask in
Depends. The OP's question is light on specifics. If he only wants to save a
worksheet as a text file on a file server, it can be done using the menu command
File > Save As. In all versions through 2002/XP, this has been possible without
needing anything to do with XML. It'd be pretty ridiculous if Excel 2003 needed
XML to save worksheets as plain text files.

2003 has the same save txt options as previous versions..

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