How do I use a Combo Box to change values in a Cell.



here is what i am trying to accomplish:

I have a table of data:

U.S 5000
France 3000
Italy 4000
Canada 6000

I want to have a Combo Box (the radio buttons would be nice)
that has the four countries. When a country is selected it changes a
reference cell. (i.e. U.S. is selected and it inserts 5000 in a cell
that is used for further calculations)

I know how to create a combo box such that a number changes in a
reference cell but the number is just the ordnal number from my list
(i.e. 1 thru 4). How to I link to my numbers?


Jay R.



You can sort your table by country than put a Vlookup function in
the cell to get the number. Make sure your Combobox or buttons put the
country in the appropriate cell.


Hmm maybe Im at a loss as to how to use the combobox to put the country
in the cell?

I am by far an Excel expert. (Im actually a chemical engineer)

Could you provide a little more step by step detail... ??

The help is very much appreciated.



A lot depends on where the box is and where it is from:

If it is on the sheet and from the Forms Control
Right click the box and select Format Control
Enter the cell address in the Cell Link box
It it is on the sheet or on a form and from the Control Toolbox
Right click the box and select Properties
Enter the cell address in LinkedCell box
you may want to enter it with the sheet name like Sheet1!A1

Now when you select from the box - the entry will go to the cell.
Have your lookup formula reference this cell.


Actually I accomplished what I wanted to do using the INDEX function.

Thanks for you help!

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