How do I use a field in Word to retrieve data from Access Databas.


Chris waller

I have created a form in Word. There are a number of fields on the form. The
first one contains the National Insurance Number, the second the name of the
person and the third is the sex of the person. All this data is held on an
Access database. What I want to do, is to input the National insurance number
in the appropriate field on the Word Document and for each of the subsequent
fields to be updated with the correct data from the Access Database.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Q2hyaXMgd2FsbGVy?=,

You'll need a macro solution for this. If these are Form fields, you'd probably
want to assign it to the "On Exit" action of that first form field.

Follw up in one of the word.vba newsgroups. Be sure to mention the version of
Office, and how much programming practice you have (in any application).
I have created a form in Word. There are a number of fields on the form. The
first one contains the National Insurance Number, the second the name of the
person and the third is the sex of the person. All this data is held on an
Access database. What I want to do, is to input the National insurance number
in the appropriate field on the Word Document and for each of the subsequent
fields to be updated with the correct data from the Access Database.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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