How do I use Access Shell to run Project with filter?


Rich NG

I am trying to have a Microsoft Access DB launch a specific Microsoft Project
MPP file and have the launched file filtered based on a criteria. In other
words (or, for example), I have a Project file labeled "Build Cars.mpp"; this
MPP file has a text column titled "Color". I want to click on a button in my
Access DB to launch Project, have it open up "Build Cars.mpp" and set a
filter for me to only see those lines where "Color = Red".

I have been able to figure out the SHELL command to launch Build Cars.mpp
but not to pass the filter information.


Rod Gill


The shell command isn't needed. The following code (not tested) required a
reference in Access to Project (in VBE Tools, References) and a filter
called Color Filter that prompts for the car color.

Sub FilterProject()
Dim ProjApp As MSProject.Application
Set ProjApp = CreateObject("MSProject.Application")
ProjApp.FileOpen "Build Cars.mpp"
ProjApp.FilterApply "Color Filter", "Red"
Set ProjApp = Nothing
End Sub

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