We recently moved from Windows 2000 to Vista with WORD 2007. I use a lot of
Template Protected Forms and have always been able to use AutoText on my
forms. I would simply type the first few few recognition char. and it would
complete the field for me. Now that I am on Vista I cannot seem to figure out
a way to use AutoText and QuickParts doesn't work in a protected form. This
is really starting to get on my nerves so I hope someone out there can help.
Template Protected Forms and have always been able to use AutoText on my
forms. I would simply type the first few few recognition char. and it would
complete the field for me. Now that I am on Vista I cannot seem to figure out
a way to use AutoText and QuickParts doesn't work in a protected form. This
is really starting to get on my nerves so I hope someone out there can help.