HOw do I use enter to return to the first cell in the next row?



I'm entering data into columns, left to right. When finished with the cell in
the last column(H), how do I get to the first cell in the first column(A),
next row down? Just like entering text in Word and using the Enter key as a
carriage return to start the next line.
The only way it works now is to use the left arrow key. If I hit return I
simply drop down to the next lower cell in same columm.


When you have moved down to the blank row below where you have just
entered data, press the <Home> key - this will take you to column A.

Hope this helps.


Bryan Hessey

In Tools, Options, Edit is 'Move selection after Enter', direction can be
left, right, up or down, but this moves only to the adjacent cell.
To return to column A use CTRL and left arrow.

John James

If you have unlocked only your target cells and protect the worksheet
(with "select unlocked cells" only), then the cursors moves the way you
want it to.

There is also a way of achieving a similar result through setting up a
particular type of range name which selects cells in a user-specified
order, but this is more fiddly and less robust.

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