how do i use "find & replace" in OneNote???



how do I use "find & replace" in OneNote? This is such a handy feature in
Word and I can't imagine any good reason they don't have it in OneNote. I
use 'find' all the time, but there seems to be no good way to replace things
automatically. I REALLY don't feel like going through hundreds of pages and
manually correcting everything. I suppose they felt it wasn't important
because it's 'just note-taking software,' but that seems quite silly to me...
Any help is much appreciated.


Erik Sojka

The feature doesn't exist - probably for the reasons you describe:
OneNote is note-taking software and not intended to produced finished
documents. I've never had a reason in any academic or corporate setting
where I had to go back to any notes I've taken and replaced text en

You can probably use the keyboard shortcuts in ON to make the manual
process as fast as possible - put the replacement text on the clipboard,
find each instance you want to change, then CTRL-V to replace.


Erik I appreciate your answer to this question, but I think it could have
been phrased more nicely. Not everybody uses a product in the same way that
someone else does and certainly not for the same purposes. We are all at
different levels of experience when comes to computer use. I could probably
use Word for the way I use One Note, but I like One Note's simplicity. Most
of it is "Microsoft" so I can use it without having to think about it (I'm
about a low intermediate user) except when I run into "missing" features such
as these. It took me 45 minutes to find this post and this answer.
Obviously this question was as important to me as it was to the other user as
well. I maintain lists of tasks, both current and completed, and I have a
word that I have mis-spelled all the way through that I want to correct. I
don't take my lists into any other program. I work inside of One Note, and
I'm quite happy there. Without find and replace the task of correcting the
word through pages and pages of notes is too difficult and time consuming to
do manually as you suggest. I hope in the next update to One Note that they
include this feature.

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