how do i use notepad easily


Tom Wickerath

Hello Grannie,

This newsgroup is dedicated to the Microsoft Access database product. The
Microsoft website is not all that clear and may have misdirected you. I can't
say that I've ever heard of an "office 97 notepad". I wonder if you don't
mean WordPad instead. In any case, I suggest that you repost your question to
the Word newsgroup. Perhaps someone there can recommend a good beginning
level book, so that you'll feel more comfortable trying to use Word.

Good Luck,

new age grannie

i am a 60 year old beginner and i would appreciate learning how to use the
office 97 notepad. i don't understand headers and footers, and i want to know
how to put a letter on the page so thast it prints out with all sentences
correct. I also find microsoft word very daunting. can someone suggest a book
i may be able to purchase that will help me to understand how to use these
microsoft office things. thankyou.

John Nurick

Hi Grannie,

Take a look at lots of information there on how to
make Word do what _you_ want and not what it thinks you ought to want.

On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 15:05:57 -0800, new age grannie <new age

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