There's probably a much simpler way, but if I have understood your
requirement, I would consider
a. splitting each table cell that represents a label into two side-by-side
cells (Select the cell, then use Table|Split Cell). let's call the new one
on the left cell A and the new one on the right cell B
b. put the items you want on the left in cell A. Put a { NEXT } (<<Next
Record>>) field at the beginning of Cell A
c. put the items on the right in cell B, and right-justify them
d. don't use the "Propagate labels" function - test your layout, then make
sure your cell A has a { NEXT } field (<<Next record>>) at the beginning -
apart from the first cell A on the page and your cell B does not have a {
NEXT } field. Then copy your cell A layout into the other cell As on the
page and your cell B layout into the other cell Bs.
Peter Jamieson