How do I view FWD's in one email?



When I view emails that have been forwarded from other people to myself, I
cannot view them in one email. What I have to do is, keep selecting the
attachtment till I get to the end. This makes for several windows open at one
time. Can anyone help? Thank you.


Adam said:
When I view emails that have been forwarded from other people to
myself, I cannot view them in one email. What I have to do is, keep
selecting the attachtment till I get to the end. This makes for
several windows open at one time. Can anyone help? Thank you.

No - it's at your senders end that the problem is. You need to get them to
forward inline and not as an attachment. (AOLers are PARTICULARLY bad at


I am just wondering why when i read my emails through aol or yahoo for
instance it doesn't break up the attachments and forms them inline? I guess
Outlook does not have the capabilities to do this.

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