How do I weight percentages using Project 2000?

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Is there a way to reflect the weighting of percentages? For example I have a
task with two subtasks. One sub-task is 100% and the other is 60% which
shows that task to be 86% complete. Disregard the days, since this person
really dragged their heals and really should have only taken a month, but
the effort was easy compared to the other task. I would think the 86% should
be more like 65%. Is this doable? Thanks

SAP Controls
191 days? 191 days? Fri 5/7/04
Fri 1/28/05 86% NA NA

Complete Questionaires-BB 104
days? 104 days? Fri 5/7/04 Wed
9/29/04 100% Sat 7/31/04 Wed 9/29/04

Gerald's plan
58 days? 58 days? Wed 11/10/04 Fri
1/28/05 60% NA NA

Steve House [MVP]

Nope, sorry. Then again, it already IS weighted already. % Complete refers
to duration. If I have a 10 day task and have worked on it 3 days, it is
30% Complete, period. It has nothing to do with either the man-hours of
work to do or the actual physical progress on the task - thus nothing to do
with the relative importance or difficulty of the tasks - those are
completely separate measures. Now couple that with how duration on a
summary task is calculated, that is, from the start of the earliest task to
the finish of the latest task. Subtask durations are NOT additive when
calculating the duration of a summary but they ARE additive when computing
summary task progress.

Here's what you're seeing in your example (rounding off for simplicity) ...

The total duration to be worked on the two subtasks is 104 days plus 58 days
or 162 days. Subtask 1 is 100% complete so work was done on all 104 days.
Subtask 2 is 60% complete so work was done on 58*.6 or 35 days (again note,
that means work was done for 35 days so far which is not necessarily the
same thing as 35 man-days of work was done or 60% of the task's deliverable
has been finished). So the total days to be worked is 162, the total days
where work has been done is 139, thus the % Complete of the aggregate is
139/162 or 86%. The *duration* of the summary is 191 days (obviously
there's about a 30 day gap between when Sub 1 ends and Sub 2 begins). Thus
the equivalent actual days worked on the summary is 191*.86 or 163 days
leaving the equivalent of 28 days remaining to be done on the summary.

If these numbers don't represent a fair picture of what the tasks will end
up being it means your subtask duration estimates are incorrect. If
Gerard's task has a duration of 58 days, that does not mean that he has 58
day "window" in which to do the work. It means that once he does the first
bit of work on it, he will finish it 58 days later. If that's not true,
change the total duration to reflect how long it is actually taking. For
example, it may be that it could start today and is due in 60 days but
whenever he chooses to start work, he will finish it in 1 day. That task's
duration is 1 day, not 60. A far better way of posting progress is not to
use % complete at all. Instead, ask Gerard how many days he has put in on
his task and how many days he estimates it will take before it is done. The
sum of those two is the total duration. Enter those two values on the
Tracking Table as Actual and Remaining Duration plus the date he actually
first did some work on it and Project will calculate the percentage and
projected finish for you.



Steve, thank you for a very thoughtful response. It seems to make sense and
I will give it try tonight. I appreciate your time! I may seek your services
again in the future.


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