how do i work out what price to charge



i am a nail technician, and would like help with working out what i spend
every month( on supplies e.g nails, nail polish , nail polish remover, fuel(
car) , etc etc ), then be able to have a total figure at the end where i
charge for a certain job, i.e french nails $30... by being able to work out
how much im spending a month, compared to how much im earning... i'll soon
realise whether or not im under charging myself

look forward to your response

kind regards

Tushar Mehta

Good questions. You could start with a simple table, say with 5
columns: Date, Category, Description, Expense, Revenue. Each entry
will have a date, category, and description, and an amount in either
the Expense or Revenue column.

Date Category Description Expense Revenue
3/1/05 Indirect Polish Remover 2.50
3/3/05 Direct Nails 4.50
3/3/05 French Nails New customer 20 mi. drive 30.00
3/5/05 Indirect Gas 24.45
3/10/05 Overhead Business cards 40.00

Now, whenever you want, total up the Expense column and the Revenue
column and you'll know how you are doing.

What you can charge for a service depends less on your expenses and
more on the competition.

You can use the Category column to further refine your analysis.

I would keep it as simple as possible. As you become more familiar
with the analysis and if you perceive a need for it, add more bells and


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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