how do I write a letter of motivation?



I need a format for writing a letter to a sponsor, motivating why I need to
be sponsored with a computer for school.

JoAnn Paules

Any letter format will work. It's not the format that will get the the
sponsor, it's the content.

Tom [Pepper] Willett

Can't be very well motivated if you have to ask how to write a letter of
motivation ;-)

: Any letter format will work. It's not the format that will get the the
: sponsor, it's the content.
: --
: JoAnn Paules
: MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
: Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
: : >I need a format for writing a letter to a sponsor, motivating why I need
: > be sponsored with a computer for school.

JoAnn Paules

Unless you have hidden characters turned on, it's often difficult to tell
whether something is formatted correctly or not. At least not at first
glance. "Great Word skills" could mean that they type fast or that they know
how to do a mail merge. It's all in the mind of the person whose name is at
the top of the resume.

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