How do I ....



I have a form (not a user form, but a worksheet designed like a form)I would
like to create a standard worksheet (standard Row/Column) from this, but be
able to use this as "form" as an input for the worksheet layed out as
standard RowColumn worksheet

How would the best way to do this be?

Also, can I somehow convert this "form" into a userform layout?


Dave Peterson

You may want to skip the intermediate step and just use Data|Form.

And if you like that, you might even like John Walkenbach's enhanced version:

And if it turns out you like that, but want to modify it, you can buy access to
the source pretty cheaply (20USD).

Dave Peterson

Maybe you could add a macro that copies the relevant cells to a nicely laid out

Then put a button on the form that finds the next available row and starts
copying those cells into that row.

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