How do increase the sound of the G

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In my busy office, my Secretary is missing my messages because:

(1) the sound is too quiet.
(2) there isn't a very robust visual reminder there is a message !

does anyone know how to increase the volume of the sound (without
making all other sounds louder ?)
I know how to increase the volume of sounds with a sound editor ...
but ..

But where is the .wav file ?


Maybe I need to try Office Communicator with Groove ?

Steve Silverwood

In my busy office, my Secretary is missing my messages because:

(1) the sound is too quiet.
(2) there isn't a very robust visual reminder there is a message !

does anyone know how to increase the volume of the sound (without
making all other sounds louder ?)
I know how to increase the volume of sounds with a sound editor ...
but ..

But where is the .wav file ?

There is a WAV file here:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\REMINDER.WAV

Not sure if that's the one you mean. You could try renaming this one
to reminder_bak.wav and replacing it with a much louder one. I have a
few that are -=DEFINITE=- attention-getters. Drop me a note in email
if you want me to send them to you.


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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