How do make spilt task entry



Hello Dear:
How can I add info. to the split task that can be viewed
in Gantt. for i.e. AM or PM. I can do entry with a normal
task and set up the wizard to see in the Gantt view but
not with split task.
Would anyone help me on this? appreciated

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Majid,
You can set some information to the left of the very beginning of a task, or
to the right od the very end, but nothing to the left or the right of a
section of a split task.
You can bypass this restriction by using report of elementary tasks on
summary level.

Gérard Ducouret


Hello Gerard,
Thanks for the info. however, I could not make it work. I
did use you thought and what I did was to insert a column
called it "text 1" then in wizard section I put the "text
1" info. to be on the right side. Now all the entry
for "text 1" column is printed on the right side which is
next to the split task
Thanks again

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