How do subforms work ?



I need a quick and easy way to handle one to many
relationship data.
I have a project record which can have zero or more
associated comment records.
I need to display a list of all comments entered so far
(this will necessitate scrolling as they may not fit on
the form) and allow additional comments to be added.

My form is FULL, no more room to add additional fields.

Can this subform be kicked off via a button and what
problems, if any, will that lead to?

John Vinson

y form is FULL, no more room to add additional fields.

Can this subform be kicked off via a button and what
problems, if any, will that lead to?

Consider putting a Tab Control on your form, with a subform on the tab
page displaying the comments. If your form is that full, you may even
want to have three or four tab pages with logical groupings of fields.


Thanks for the suggestion
That sounds like a good idea.
Is it easy to convert a form to a tabbed form?
This form is quite complex. It contains lots of controls
and lots of command buttons.
- David

Van T. Dinh

Fairly easy to do. The first thing you need to do is to
divide the existing Controls into a number of logical
groups including a (main) group that stay on the Form

Add a TabControl with the required nmber of Tab Pages
including one for the "Comments" Subform. Then you can
simply cut the Control (that you want to move onto a Tab
Page), select the required Tab Page and then paste to add
the Control onto the Tab Page. It is time-consuming as
you probably need to position the Controls to be
consistent across all Tab Pages.

Add the new Subform for the comments onto the required Tab

Most Access books cover the TabControl pretty well so you
should check any Access books you have.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)


Also, if you are cutting and pasting controls that have associated events on
them, you must re-specify their events, i.e. place [Event Procedure] back
into the event on the property sheet...



Thanks. My book "SAMS Teach Yourself Access 2000
Programming in 24hrs" (470 pages) makes no mention of any
of this!

Van T. Dinh

I go for the thick books when it comes to Access / programming. The Idiot,
Dummies, 24 Hours, Weekend Crash Course are for beginners and simply too
basic to be of any use in real database development. Try Roger Jennings'
Using Access {YourVersion} which has a lot more on user interface.

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