How do we get Office activated when it says it is already activat.


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After reloading Office XP Professional twice and finding that it says that it
is already activated, but when I try to download WorldLingo the activation
verification says that it is not activated, I am asking how do we activate
the office program in our PC so that the Windows web site will recognize it?
The computer says that it is activated and Microsoft says that it is not.
Removing Office and re-installing did not correct the problem.

To Go

The program (WorldLingo) does not function and i assume it is because the XP
PRO validation is not accurate (maybe the Microsoft validation unit assumes
that we didn't pay for Office XP, so we're not entitled to the features that
have to be downloaded online. I went ahead and got the Google tranlator,
which is another guessing game, just like WorldLingo, where we really don't
know if we're being interpreted properly when we are in diplomatic circles.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

The 'in program' "translator" apps are suitable for casual use, but they're not recommended for business/contractual transactions.
For that the use of the 'human' translation service is the suggested choice.
The Wordlingo add-in update for Office XP links to machine translation services.

The program (WorldLingo) does not function and i assume it is because the XP PRO validation is not accurate (maybe the Microsoft
validation unit assumes that we didn't pay for Office XP, so we're not entitled to the features that have to be downloaded online.
I went ahead and got the Google tranlator, which is another guessing game, just like WorldLingo, where we really don't know if we're
being interpreted properly when we are in diplomatic circles.>>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS for the 2007 Office System

1. Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system iinfo is at

2. Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)

3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit

Gary Smith

Right. Translation by program is (sometimes) suitable for getting a
general idea of the content of a document written in a language that you
do not read. It should never be used to convert something you've written
to a language you do not read. Anything that involves "diplomatic
circles" should be thoroughly reviewed by someone fluent in both
languages. Literal translation can be misleading, amusing, insulting,
incomprehensible, or a mixture of these.

Bob Buckland ?:-\) said:
The 'in program' "translator" apps are suitable for casual use, but they're not recommended for business/contractual transactions.
For that the use of the 'human' translation service is the suggested choice.

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