How do you change single digits to recognized double digits?


Evil with a K

I asked earlier how to make a column display a two digit number instead of a
single digit number (under 10) by adding a zero in front. The answer was to
hit custom and type in two zeros. The problem is the spreadsheet does display
the 02 on the cell but if you click the cell it still reads ony the 2. This
doesn't allow me to enter into access without errors. I have tried copy paste
special but still does not resolve the issue. Any help would be appreciated.
Bottom line I need to be able to place a 0 in front of all single digit
numbers in a column.



As long as cells contain numbers, leading zeroes will not be stored in the

You may convert them to text with soemthing like this in B1
=IF(Len(A1)=1, "0&A1",""&A1)
and copying down, then copy-paste as values, assuming your numbers are in
Col A

Ideally you shuold handle this conversion while importing in Access.

T. Valko

As you've discovered, number formatting is for *display purposes only*. The
true underlying value of the cell may not be what is *displayed*.

So, you'd need to either preformat the cells as TEXT or precede the entry
with an apostrophe like this: '02. The apostrophe will not be displayed in
the cell.

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