how do you change the date in upper right corner in one-note?


Grant Robertson

can't figure out why One-Note page won't use system date?

The pages use the date the page was created. There wouldn't be much point
to putting a constantly updated date on each and every page in your My
Notebook. If you have OneNote SP-1 then you can edit the date by clicking
on it.


Hi, thanks. I do have SP1, however I was unable to click on the date to
change it, like you said, it only keeps the original creation date. Do I
have to create a new page to get the date to change to the current date and
time? I could 'insert' the date from the insert menu, but it only overlaid
the original. I could also simply scratch it out, etc., with the pen but
that's a little ponderous.

Grant Robertson

Hi, thanks. I do have SP1, however I was unable to click on the date to
change it, like you said, it only keeps the original creation date. Do I
have to create a new page to get the date to change to the current date and
time? I could 'insert' the date from the insert menu, but it only overlaid
the original. I could also simply scratch it out, etc., with the pen but
that's a little ponderous.

Are you sure you have OneNote SP1 (check in OneNotes Help/About) and not
just Windows XP SP1? When I click on my date or time in a page header I
get a nifty little button next to them that brings up a handy dandy
dialog for changing the value of the item I clicked. You do have to use
the little button. It won't let you edit the text of the date or time


Thanks, yeah, I finally got it to work by clicking the pen more forcefully
and yeah, I did DL the SP1 service pack and just got it installed when I got
the product number key. It's a pretty nifty little program, I reckon I'll
put it on my PC next so I can transfer the files like I do with Windows

Grant Robertson

Thanks, yeah, I finally got it to work by clicking the pen more forcefully
and yeah, I did DL the SP1 service pack and just got it installed when I got
the product number key. It's a pretty nifty little program, I reckon I'll
put it on my PC next so I can transfer the files like I do with Windows
Take a look at the following thread for my advice on the best way to sync
OneNote files. Even if you don't use the product I mentioned the trick
about not synchronizing the .onetoc files will really come in handy.


You will probably have to piece the URL all back together. I don't like
to use those tinyurl sites. I don't quite trust them yet.

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