How do you create a cashflow graph for fixed costs?



I am trying to create a visual cashflow graph that can display the project's
fixed costs allocated over the course of the project, and set it to compare
against the Gantt chart.

Right now all I can seem to find is a printable cashflow report that lists
the fixed costs prorated over their specified task durations and totals them
by week or month.

It would be much more useful to me if this information could be plotted in
graphical form to compare to the actual project schedule.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi parothed777,

MS Project does not have the ability to graphically display cost
information . That being said, you could display the Task Usage view
and use the Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel button on the Analysis
toolbar to export the Fixed Costs to Excel. The Analyze Timescaled Data
Wizard provides an option to graph the data.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


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