How do you create a cover leader header in Word 2007?




I want my header to look like this:

Street address [DOT]
City, State Zip
telephone number
[DOT] emaiil address

I want it to be centered like that, and I want the font of the name ot be
larger than the other font in the header. Then I want one or two lines under
it, but I want the lines to look professional (like those you get from an
automatic setting).

Then under the lines I want to just start typing the letter, which would
begin with the employer's contact info.

How do I do this?

Thank you for your assistance.



Sorry, the formatting got messed up when I posted the first time. This is
more akin to what I'm looking for (with a double underline under the address
line and the name JOHN DOE centered above the address line, which itself
should be centered.

1234 McGwire RD . Cleveland, OH 12345 . 123-456-7890 . (e-mail address removed)


John said:
Sorry, the formatting got messed up when I posted the first time. This is
more akin to what I'm looking for (with a double underline under the
address line and the name JOHN DOE centered above the address line, which
itself should be centered.

1234 McGwire RD . Cleveland, OH 12345 . 123-456-7890 .
(e-mail address removed)

Sorry, I don't understand why you should have a problem...what is it that
you can't do?

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