can someone tell me how to create a hosts file for outlook 2001? I
have looked on the web, but there are no instructions, or the
instructions are under review and can't be accessed.
Outlook 2001 itself doesn't use a Hosts file. A Hosts file is used by the
networking components of your Mac to resolve names to IP addresses.
Here are some simple instructions:
1.) Use a text editor such as Simpletext to create your Hosts file. Don't
use Mac OS X's TextEdit or Microsoft Word because these will create Rich
Text Format files unless you go to lengths not to. Simpletext will allow you
to easily create a plain text file.
2.) Open a new Simpletext document and make the following two line entries,
replacing the what I have with your Exchange server's name and it's IP
address: A
servername CNAME
The second line says, "servername is another name for" and the first line says
"'s IP address is".
3.) Saved this Simpletext file anywhere you'd like on your Mac. I usually
keep it in my System Folder. Name the file "Hosts".
4.) Open your TCP/IP Control Panel and switch your user mode to "Advanced".
In the upper right corner of the window you'll see a button to allow you to
select a Hosts file. Click the button and select the file you just created.
Close the TCP/IP Control Panel and save your changes when prompted.
5.) When configuring Outlook 2001, you'll use the same "servername" as you
used in your Hosts file when referring to your Exchange server. When Outlook
2001 attempts a connection to "servername", the TCP/IP Control Panel will be
able to resolve that name back to the IP address you entered into your Hosts
Hope this helps! bill