How Do You Disable The Screen Tips on A Browser Form?



I was wondering if there is a way to disable the screen tips that occur when
you hover over a field/control that is marked as required on a form being
displayed on the browser.

Example: If you open a form to fill out on the web, and move your cursor
over the control, it will bring up a default message "Cannot be blank".

I would like to disable this hover over screen tip as it is a distraction to
users as they are completing the form.

Any help is appreciated.


Thanks to the help of a fellow InfoPather, we have come up with a work

Here is the posting he sent me...
There's no way, at least what I've seen, to turn off the tooltip popups for
controls which are "required", but there is a way to turn them off for Data
Validation cases:

To do so, you'll need to edit the manifest.xsf file with a text editor.
You'll see something like the following:

<xsf:errorCondition match="/my:Fields" expressionContext="my:Item"
expression=". = """>
<xsf:errorMessage type="modeless" shortMessage="Cannot be

Change the shortMessage to "" (you need to leave the attribute in, though)
and the error message won't appear. I turned off "required" for all my
components and created custom Data Validation rules instead. Once I removed
the shortMessage, everything worked fine.

Tip: Change the message within InfoPath to something like $$$$$, then do a
find/replace to replace $$$$$ with nothing.

Hope this helps

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