how do you disable the scroll wheel effect?



The scroll wheel is the wheel between the left and right mouse buttons on
many mouse products, used to scroll forward or backward in a file. How do
you prevent this wheel from making the file records scroll forward/backward?

Douglas J. Steele

You sure you put the code into your application correctly?

Literally hundreds of other people are using Stephen's approach

missinglinq via

The ususal mistake is forgetting to import the modMouseHook from Stephen's
sample database into your own.

missinglinq via

Stephen Lebans hack is sort of the gold standard for this! It really is what
everyone uses, unless they're running Access 2007. Micro$oft finally (after
all these years) addressed the issue with the latest version.

Douglas J. Steele

missinglinq via said:
Stephen Lebans hack is sort of the gold standard for this! It really is
everyone uses, unless they're running Access 2007. Micro$oft finally
all these years) addressed the issue with the latest version.

And you know I've seen people complain that the mouse wheel doesn't scroll
records like they like in Access 2007!

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