How do you edit the text in a userform-textbox?


John Keith

I have a userform with a command button and a text box on it. I am using
this as a popup form with some help instructions. The data shown is a couple
of paragraphs and a list of steps. I am having trouble getting the text
edited. The only way I seem to be able to do this is to use the Properties
window and find where the "text" or the "value" property then scroll through
the line of text till I find the sentence that i want to modify...

Is there a way to directly edit the in the form with the text box selected?
I have tried right-clicking but I can't find any option that will turn on
edits. I can select the text and use the arrow keys in the textbox to move
the cursor around... but changes are ignored. I tried clicking on design
mode... still same thing. What is the trick/shortcut to allow editing in a

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