how do you empty an array




I have an issue trying to remove an item from an array only having one

Here's the scenario.

I use this proedure to create 3 variant arrays, one for people present
at a meeting, one for apologies and one for absentees. (max of 8

strPresent = GetPrivateProfileString32(Cini, "Councillors",
strApology = GetPrivateProfileString32(Cini, "Councillors",
strAbsent = GetPrivateProfileString32(Cini, "Councillors",
varPresent = Split(strPresent, ",")
varApology = Split(strApology, ",")
varAbsent = Split(strAbsent, ",")

If some one leaves during a meeting I remove them from the 'present'
array and add them to the 'absent' array. When they come back I want
to do the opposite.

My problem is that if I erase the 'absent' array I cannot acess it

I have also tried to Redim it but this does not do what I want either,
I get an empty item, not an empty array. I did read something about
using -1 to redim but this threw up an error.

Is there any way of removing the item and still having the array

Hope this is enough info.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Dim myarray As Variant
myarray = Split("one,", ",")
MsgBox myarray(0)
myarray(0) = ""
MsgBox myarray(0)
myarray(0) = "two"
MsgBox myarray(0)

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Tony Jollans

Something like this, which you probably want to make into a function that
takes two arrays and a name, and to which you might want to add some error

Person = "Person Leaving"
varPresent = Split(Replace(Replace(Join(varPresent, ","), Person, ""),
",,", ","), ",")
varAbsent = Split(Join(varAbsent, ",") & "," & Person, ",")

The arrays will always be 'available' but may have no contents, no elements.
You don't say how you are using them, beyond the implicit fact that they are
somehow to be changed in real time.

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