How do you get text to justify right?



I'm trying to drop in individual characters into a column of text, e.g.


drop in "@" for example translates to:

[email protected]

but I'd rather it be justified right, something like this:

[email protected]

I can't figure out how to change the default left justification.

Anyone know how to do this?

Rainald Taesler

DP shared these words of wisdom:
I'm trying to drop in individual characters into a column of text,

I can't figure out how to change the default left justification.

Strg+R makes text right justified.
but I'd rather it be justified right, something like this:

[email protected]

The example ist not *jusstified* ;-)


Rainald Taesler

DP shared these words of wisdom:
I'm not sure what Strg means, but I tried ctrl+R and it worked!

I'm sorry. Naturally on an English keyboard it's Ctrl !!! "Strg2 is
the crazy German translation for that key ..

I know that, for sure.
But in this case I wanted to make sure if it was CTrl+R (as I had in
mind) and checked the ON Help. And then I typed just waht I saw
without thinking [grrrrhhh].


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