How do you get the name to show when you roll over a fill colour?



In the old Microsoft Excel, when you rolled the pointer over one of the many
fill color options, a little window popped up with the name of that color.
This was very helpful to someone like me who is colorblind.
Is this feature available in the latest Excel? If it is, I can't find it.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

It works for me, though I do have to hover over the color for a couple
of moments - the label doesn't appear right away. If you never get it
you might go into Excel Options | Advanced | Display and see if anything
there looks like it should be checked.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower


I can confirm that. Actually when I first went to the palette in the
dropdown I thought, like Peter, that the labels weren't there. Seems I
didn't hover over a color long enough. It takes what seems to be 1 second or
so delay before the label appears. But when you're looking for information,
that 1 second seems much longer. Delay may also be at least partially
dependent on the speed of your processor - or may just be a timed delay.

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