How do you get the Picture Tools tab to display in Word 2007


M Seelig

I know that when you click on a picture, the tab will appear. However, in
2007 (as in previous versions) the program doesn't recognize a picture as a
picture once it is put into a table. In 2003 and earlier, even though the
right-click context menu wouldn't display properly, you could still display
the "Picture Toolbar" and modify, crop and format to your heart's content.
However, in 2007. I can't find a way to display the Picture Tools Tab
manually, so I am stuck. The only recourse I have is to remove the picture
from the table, modify it, and then put it back. Help!

Herb Tyson [MVP]

When I click on a picture that's inside a table, Picture Tools - Format
appears on the ribbon--just to the left of the Table Tools (Design and
Layout) tabs.

Are you saying that doesn't happen for you? If not, are you having trouble
selecting the picture? If that's the case, then try the Select - Select
Object tool at the right end of the Home ribbon tab.


Like Herb's, my experience has not been what you describe.

In 2003: If the image is formatted as In Line With Text the Format Picture
command doesn't appear in the contextual menu, but that's because it is in
the text layer of the doc, not the graphics layer. However, when it's
selected you can still elicit the Format Picture dialog from the Format
menu. With text Wrapping applied the Format Picture command *is* in the
contextual menu. Granted that seems a little odd - a "bug" if you wish:)

In 2007: Text Wrapping or In Line seems to make no difference... Any time I
select a picture in a table the Picture Tools Tab appears, although I *do*
have to click the Tab for the tools, themselves, to appear. Also,
right-clicking the picture - regardless of wrapping style or In Line -
produces a contextual menu containing the Format Picture command.

The only time there's a "challenge" is if the picture's Text Wrapping is set
to Behind Text, where Herb's reference to the Select Objects tool comes in.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

On 7/15/07 4:26 AM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "M Seelig" <M

M Seelig


Thank you for your help. Following your suggestions, it still doesn't work
- but I am wondering if there may be something aobut the object itself that
it doesn't recognize it as a picture. I just removed it from the table and
still no Picture Tools tab - although I can right click to get the "Format
Object" box.

This document was a multi-generation effort and so I don't even know how the
picture was originally inserted.

Thanks anyway for all of your help.


That's your answer - the "picture" was apparently inserted using the Insert>
Object command rather than the Insert> Picture method. As you further
surmised, Word won't produce the Picture tools if the selected object is not
a picture.

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