Jon Osborn
We don't have a server push technology installed yet, but we have a need to
push out office 2007, Project 2007 Pro, and Visio 2007 Pro. Everyone needs
office but only a third or so need Project and Visio.
We have a volume license so I used the Office Customization Tool (OCT) to
configure office 2007 and embed the CD-Key in the install. Works Great, so
I figured Project would do the same. so I ran setup /admin and I was told
necessary files were not available for this version. I dug around on the
internet and I could find no way of using the OCT or any other tool to
automate the install.
Basically I would like to be able to install Project and Visio much like
Office 2007, create an MSP and place it in the update folder and have the
user just click setup, it installs and they are not asked any questions. Is
this possible with Project 2007 Pro. We do not have a project server yet.
That is down the road.
push out office 2007, Project 2007 Pro, and Visio 2007 Pro. Everyone needs
office but only a third or so need Project and Visio.
We have a volume license so I used the Office Customization Tool (OCT) to
configure office 2007 and embed the CD-Key in the install. Works Great, so
I figured Project would do the same. so I ran setup /admin and I was told
necessary files were not available for this version. I dug around on the
internet and I could find no way of using the OCT or any other tool to
automate the install.
Basically I would like to be able to install Project and Visio much like
Office 2007, create an MSP and place it in the update folder and have the
user just click setup, it installs and they are not asked any questions. Is
this possible with Project 2007 Pro. We do not have a project server yet.
That is down the road.