How do you install specific names in mail merge,Word 2003



What I typed in the subject part of this page pretty much says it all. But
when you filter and sort, it has a box that says 'Compare to' and
'comparison' and I don't know what to type in those boxes. Furthermore, I
don't understand the terminology. There are also some other boxes on the far
left hand side where you can select the words 'and' or 'or'. Can someone
please interpret these terms for me and get me to my final destination, which
is installing specific names, address,etc....

Peter Jamieson

when you filter and sort, it has a box that says 'Compare to' and
'comparison' and I don't know what to type in those boxes. Furthermore, I
don't understand the terminology.

Fair enough, but "how do you install specific names in mail merge Word 2003"
doesn't mean anything to me, either, so my first thought was "what word
processor or mailmerge process uses the term "install names" and/or what
does that mean to you?

But if you have got to that part of Word's dialogs, this is what is going
a. the dialog allows you to filter the data source for a merge by
specifying conditions for one or more fields (or "columns") in the merge
data source
b. for example, if the data source contains a column called "lastname", you
might want to select records in the data source whose lastname column
contained "Smith". If so, you should be able to select "lastname" in the
dropdown under the "Field" column in the "Query options" dialog. Then you
could select "Equal to" as the 'comparison', and type Smith in the "Compare
to" box.
c. if you want to specify more conditions, you can specify more
"Field,Coparison,Compare To" combinations.
- if you specify "And" in the very first column, the data source record
will only be selected if it mmets the condition in the row before the "And"
and also meets the condition in the row containing the "And"
- if you specify "Or" in the very first column, the data source record will
be selected if it meets the condition in the row before the "Or", or meets
the condition in the row containing the "Or", or meets both conditions.

if you specify a combinatin of "Ands" and "Ors", things may be a bit more

If that sounds incomprehensible, please try to spell out what exactly you do
not understand, and we can try to work out what it is that you need.

Peter Jamieson

will be
d. the data source records you want to process

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