How do you make a series


Stephen Esrati

I want to create a series of weekdays. But the Series command in the
edit menu is grayed out.
What do I do?


Easiest way - assuming you want all 7 days of the week - Type the first day
name or abbreviation into the starting cell, then use the Fill-Handle to
drag as far as necessary, up-dn-l-r. Each cell included in the drag will be
filled with the successive day name.

If you only want Mon-Fri one time, no problem. If you want successive
repititions of Mon-Fri, copy those 5 cells, Paste to the next 5, then select
all 10 cells & drag the Fill Handle again as far as necessary.

Alternatively, you can drag as far as you wish to begin with, then click the
AutoFill Options button that magically appears & choose Fill Weekdays.

Although the Edit>Fill>Series menu command is a great tool in many ways,
IMHO, is more trouble than it's worth for *this* purpose.

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