How do you merge an old Outlook office data file with a new one?


Ausable Fly Fisher

I did a fresh install of XP Home onto a new "C" drive. Now, I want to merge
my old Outlook 2003 office data file, from my old hard drive, with a new one,
on my new hard drive. I want to copy the old mail files (.pst) and address
book (.pab) records.

Mike M

I am having the same issue. I had to reformat my hard drive so i backed
everything up and then restored after reinstalling XP Pro. Now my contacts
are all shown as individual folders instead of the former tree structure. I
have to point to each contacl folder seperately to find a contact.

Any help anyone?

John Guin

Copy the PST files to the new drive, then select File | Open | Outlook data
file and browse to them. Copy the data out of them into the folders you have
on the new machine, then close the PST files.

(Then restart Outlook to get Outlook to "let go" of the PSTs. Sigh.)

Ausable Fly Fisher

The Outlook file my old hard drive is an "Office Data File". I dont' know
how to open it to get to the PST files. Is there a way to import this file?

John Guin

Assuming it really is a PST (which will show in Explorer as Office Data file
with a puzzle piece icon),
Click the File menu
Select Open
Choose Outlook Data File...

and then browse to the file. Double click it and Outlook will open it.


Ausable Fly Fisher

The file was shown in Explorer as the Office Data file, and your recommended
steps solved my problem. Thanks!

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