how do you modify a custom style set? Style Short cut keys don't w


Bob Day

Using Office Ent. 07

1) How do you update a previous created customer style set? If you make
changes to the custom styles, such as adding a short cut key for each style,
and then save it and overwrite the original custom style, the changes are not
reflect the next time you use the custom style set.

The customer style set was created in a custom template, so I am making the
modifications to the custom template styles and then tying to save the
customer style set to the same name.

2) Assigning short cut keys to custom styles or styles in a custom template
simply does not work consistently. Sometimes it will put the text in the
correct style, sometimes it wont. There is no difference if you put your
cursor in the line of text or highlight it all.

Any ideas?



When you've customized a Quick Style set, you need to save it with a unique
name *before* you apply a different Quick Style set or you'll lose all the

To save a new custom Quick Style set, do the following:
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Change Styles

Point to Style Set and click Save as Quick Style Set

In the Save Quick Style Set dialog box, in the File Name box, enter a name
and click OK

The name of this Quick Style set will now appear on the menu.

To back up custom Quick Style sets, you'll find each one in a .dotx file at
C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\Microsoft\Quick
Styles\*.dotx (Windows XP) or C:\Users\User
Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\QuickStyles\*.dotx (Vista)

Beth Melton

I don't think keyboard shortcuts are carried over in Style Sets. They aren't
carried over when using the Organizer in previous versions or in Word 2007.
I can see keyboard shortcuts not being carried over in Styles Sets since
they are a property of the document/template and not the style. Due to this
I'm not sure if this would be classified as a bug. It's a great
wish/suggestion, though. :)

I did try creating a keyboard shortcut for a style in the Style Set template
but since the template for the Style Set isn't actually loaded I didn't
think the keyboard shortcut would be picked up.

I'm wondering if the inconsistencies you see are due to the using a new
document based on the template in which the keyboard shortcut is stored. In
this scenario there is a link between the style and the template.

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assistance by email cannot be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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