Charles of the Randstaad
I have an existing Template which when launched appears as
a Toolbar in MS WORD.
The Template includes the following line:
Sub InsertGuillemetFermantSimple()
Selection.InsertSymbol Font:="TimessPP",
CharacterNumber:=8217, Unicode:=True
End Sub
The corresponding character appears on the toolbar and all
the user does is click on it to insert the character in
the MS WORD document.
With no background in VBA, I thought I could add another
line to insert CharacterNumber:=8213.
This is what I did: I copied the existing line for
CharacterNumber:=8217 and manually made changes to it:
This is what I get:
Sub InsertHorizontalBar()
Selection.InsertSymbol Font:="TimessPP",
CharacterNumber:=8213, Unicode:=True
End Sub
When I run this Sub/UserForm from the VBA Editor, it
inserts the correct character in MS WORD.
Question 1: What is the procedure for making the character
appear in the toolbar?
Question 2: What is the CharacterNumber for the « or the
I have added this line:
ub InsertGuillemetGauche ()
Selection.InsertSymbol Font:="TimessPP",
CharacterNumber:=00AB, Unicode:=True
End Sub
When I try to compile it, I get a syntax error.
When I try to run it, I get an end of line error showing
there is an error at the AB level.
What is a beginner to do?
a Toolbar in MS WORD.
The Template includes the following line:
Sub InsertGuillemetFermantSimple()
Selection.InsertSymbol Font:="TimessPP",
CharacterNumber:=8217, Unicode:=True
End Sub
The corresponding character appears on the toolbar and all
the user does is click on it to insert the character in
the MS WORD document.
With no background in VBA, I thought I could add another
line to insert CharacterNumber:=8213.
This is what I did: I copied the existing line for
CharacterNumber:=8217 and manually made changes to it:
This is what I get:
Sub InsertHorizontalBar()
Selection.InsertSymbol Font:="TimessPP",
CharacterNumber:=8213, Unicode:=True
End Sub
When I run this Sub/UserForm from the VBA Editor, it
inserts the correct character in MS WORD.
Question 1: What is the procedure for making the character
appear in the toolbar?
Question 2: What is the CharacterNumber for the « or the
I have added this line:
ub InsertGuillemetGauche ()
Selection.InsertSymbol Font:="TimessPP",
CharacterNumber:=00AB, Unicode:=True
End Sub
When I try to compile it, I get a syntax error.
When I try to run it, I get an end of line error showing
there is an error at the AB level.
What is a beginner to do?