How do you open Infopath form saved in SQL Database with code



I am saving Infopath forms in an xml column in a SQL table. In my form I am
using a web service to get the list of names for the forms from the SQL table
(the id is autoincredmented) and listing them in a repeating table with 2
columns, one with the name assigned to the form and another column with a
button labeled "Open". In the clicked event for the Open button how do I go
about opening the corresponding form in Infopath?

Shiva (GGK Tech)


In Open button onClick event, you have to write the code to open the form,

thisApplication.XDocuments.Open(<Form Url>, Type.Missing);

Shiva (GGK Tech)


In Open button onClick event, you have to write the code to open the form,

thisApplication.XDocuments.Open(<Form Url>, Type.Missing);


I'm getting an error that Microsoft.Office.Infopath.Application does not
contain a definition for xdocuments. I've included the following:
using Microsoft.Office.InfoPath;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

What am I missing?

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