How do you print 1 Page and Network Printers Appear in Word but not Outlook


Peter Harrington

I have two problems. First, it seems rather ridiculuous that there is no
easy way to print one page of an e-mail message. The only choice that you
have are even, odd, and all pages. The default format for e-mail is html.

What is even stranger is that I have Word 2003 SP1 set as the default for
editing e-mail messages, but when I click on edit on the Outlook menu bar,
it does not default to the word print dialog box, which last time I checked
allowed you to specify a range of pages.

The other problem is that I have a networked printer that appears in the
Word Printer dialog box, but does not appear in the Outlook dialog box.

You would think that Outlook and Word would use the same printer dialog
routine because they are both parts of the Office software.





I wish I could help, but I'm just posting to say I'm
having the same frustrating experience. If anyone has a
solution, I'd like to know.

- PM

Bob Anderson

Ditto here. I have a customer that I just upgraded to
Small Business server and part of that was moving her
from OE to Outlook 2003. Now she is ready to throw the
whole lot out because she can't print 1 page of a 5 page
email if it is received from someone who sent it as plain
text. In fact, the print options screen is totally
different for plain text printing than it is for RTF and
HTML. Hopefully someone at Msft is monitoring this thread.


There are several "sort of" work around this annoying problem (see als
1) Most people advise to copy and paste to Word and then print th
selection you want. I do not like that because the lay-out is ruine
and you do not have the sender and cc and/or bcc names.
2) Another (and in my option the better) option is to 'Edit th
message' (first open the message, then 'Edit' and 'Edit message'. The
delete all you do not want to print, then print.
Answer 'No' when you are asked to save the changes after pressin


Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells

Here, Here,

In fact, I just posted the same problem in the general questions area. To
add insult to injury, the only way you can report this problem to Microsoft
is by paying them 35 quid for the privilidge....


Hi there,
again, I don't bring new solutions but can't help adding my support.
Unbelievable how small issues like these can make you nervous at times... To
me, the worst part is that the plain text messages allows to print ranges,
but do not have the print preview option (to allow you to easily judge how
many paes you'd like to print) while the html format does have the preview,
but not the print range... Where's the logic in that??? AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!

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