How Do You Print A Bar Above A Character


Stewart Berman

I need to print some logical expressions. For example:
(not)(A or B) = ((not)A) and ((Not)B)

Exceot U want to pritn a bar above the characters instead of using (not) in front of them. How Do I
do that in word?

Do I need to use two lines:
_____ _ _
(A orB) = A and B

Or is there a way to make composite characters?


Hi Stewart,

Here are three ways to put a bar over another character:
· use a field coded as {EQ \x\to(a)}. This solution increases the vertical spacing for the affected line (which you could get around
by reducing the field's point size).
· use a field coded as { EQ \o (-,a)}. To achieve the desired result, superscript the first character in the field and subscript the
second character, which leads to small characters for both (which you could counter by increasing the point size), but this too
increases the vertical spacing for the affected line .
· use a field coded as {EQ \s\up6(\f(,a))}. Compared to the other solutions, this one has the advantage of retaining the character
sizes without increasing the line height. The '6' in the formula controls the bar height.

In each example, replace the 'a' in the field with the desired character(s).

Klaus Linke

Do I need to use two lines:
_____ _ _
(A orB) = A and B

Hi Stewart,

I'd probably use the Equation Editor (Insert > Object > Microsoft Equation


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