How do you print a web page?



Hi - Can someone help me with this technical difficulty I am having? I did
not know where to post the question, so I am sending it here. I am trying to
print the pages of a web site, but even if I select all, when I go to print,
the right hand side of the page is invariably cut off.

Does anyone know how to get the whole page to print?


Miss Perspicacia Tick

Georgia said:
Hi - Can someone help me with this technical difficulty I am having?
I did not know where to post the question, so I am sending it here.

Why? IE (which is what I assume you're using) is not, never has been, and
never will be part of Office. Repost in the correct place (i.e. an IE group,
of which there are many - at least a dozen for IE6 for example.

But I can tell you now that what you're experiencing is nothing to do with
IE anyway, it is a limitation of your printer. You need to adjust the
margins (if you don't know how to do that then RTFM).Most inkjets don't
print right to the edge anyway.

Don MI

Georgia said:
Hi - Can someone help me with this technical difficulty I am having? I did
not know where to post the question, so I am sending it here. I am trying to
print the pages of a web site, but even if I select all, when I go to print,
the right hand side of the page is invariably cut off.

Does anyone know how to get the whole page to print?


If you are using IE, you can try to adjust your margins.
If you are using IE, you can also use File, Print and {likely from
preferences or options} select Landscape.

You are posting from a web interface. Suggest you will have better
performance in you configure you newsreader such as Outlook Express to
access Microsoft servers directly. If you are using Outlook Express, then go
to Tools, Accounts and add an account for Follow the
wizard directions except use a fake email address {to avoid RSVP for SPAM}.
Then you can subscribe directly to the Microsoft newsgroups.


Rob Schneider

Check margins and page size (a4 vs. 8.5x11 inch). Assuming you are
using Internet Explorer (which isn't an Office app), keep in mind it
does not have sophisticated pagination software. It does great if the
page is HTML only, but if web designer includes graphics that simply
won't print on the paper size you pick, or other non-HTML components it
will not print. Complain to the web page designer, or buy more
sophisticated web pagination software.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


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