How do you put a digital signature in Word?



I know nothing about digital signatures. I only have Word 2000. Is there a
way to put a authenticated digital signature in a Word document?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?SWRuYXI=?=,
I know nothing about digital signatures. I only have Word 2000. Is there a
way to put a authenticated digital signature in a Word document?
The capability to digitally sign a Word document (not just a VBA project
embedded in the document) was only introduced in Word 2003. It's not available
in earlier versions.

You don't really put a digital signature "in" a Word document. When you sign a
document with a digital signature, nothing appears in the text. What it does is
assure the next person who opens the document that nothing in the document has
been changed since you signed it. Any editing done to the document after
signing removes the signature.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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