Hi Jennifer,
OK. There's something like that in Office. You can put Word Fields into
PowerPoint slides. There is a Word Field that might do the trick for you.
First, we need to do some setting up. I hope I don't leave out something
Open Word 2004 to a blank document. From the TOOLS menu choose
CUSTOMIZE. click on the COMMANDS tab.
There are two commands that you should drag to any toolbar.
View Field Codes and Update Fields
The View Field Codes button will show you the field codes behind what I
will suggest that you try.
The Update Fields button will let you see how the Word Field preserves
the formatting - hopefully the way you desire it to be kept.
OK now Word is set up.
From Word's INSERT menu choose FIELD CODE
In the dialog box scroll down the right side to find INCLUDEPICTURE
The Word Field dialog box has an input field with INCLUDEPICTURE already
there. You have to type in a file path and also quotation marks around
the file path. For example you might type:
"Mac HD:Test Pictures
There's a checkbox in the dialog to "Preserve formatting." Be sure that
is checked.
If you want to create a link to the file instead of incorporating the
image, click the OPTIONS button and add the \d switch
Click OK to close the dialog boxes.
If you see an empty square instead of the picture then you typed
something wrong.
Use the View Field Codes button to toggle between looking at the picture
and seeing the Field Code
If your file is exactly as in my example your Word Field would be
{ INCLUDEPICTURE "Mac HD:Test Pictures
icture1.jpg"\d \* MERGEFORMAT }
If you did not choose to preserve formatting then \ *MERGFORMAT will not
be part of the field code. I tell you this in case you want to put two
copies of the picture into the Word document (one with formatting
preserved and the other without) so you can compare what happens each way.
If things worked right, you should be able to use the View Field Codes
button to toggle back and forth between seeing the picture or seeing the
field code.
Now, select the entire field code by highlighting it. Then use Word's
EDIT COPY (or apple+C) and then switch to PowerPoint.
In PowerPoint use Edit > Paste (or Apple+V).
You should see the picture appear on the PowerPoint slide.
You can then edit the field code to change the picture. To do that,
control-click on the picture and choose Edit Document Object. Word will
then display the field code for you. You can type in or paste a new file
path, then click the Update Field Codes button.
Close the document window in Word and the new picture will now be in the
PowerPoint slide and the \ * MERGEFORMAT switch will preserve the
Let me know if you were able to get through these instructions in one
piece and whether or not you think this sort of solution could work for you.